Introductory Offer - $399 for a whole house of duct cleaning!
* This would include any size house with a single furnace
* includes all supply and return vents
* includes all main ducts and necessary access panels
* includes the 651Carpets+ power suction system with rotary brushes and whips.
Affordable Duct Cleaning Services
NADCA’s rule of thumb for consumers is that “if your air ducts look dirty, they probably are,” Dirty air ducts can add to health issues and agitate already existing respiratory conditions. Dander, dust, and chemicals are re-circulated up to six times a day causing build up. We vacuum, mop, clean the countertops, dust and change the air filter, but what about the air ducts? According to the EPA the average American spends more than 90% of their time inside. Getting new flooring? There is no better time to clean your air duct system…
Perfect candidates for air duct cleaning include:
– New home buyers
– People that have pets
– People that suffer from allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems
– People that smoke and have bad air quality
– People with excessive dust in their homes or that gather dust quickly after cleaning
– People with an air circulating system that utilizes a standard fiberglass filter

Our 651Carpets+ Duct Cleaning Method
Commonly referred to as “agitation or contact cleaning”, we use 10 to 30 foot nylon rotary cables with a wide assortment of brushes and whips attached to a drill to “agitate” or brush off the insides of the ducts and mains. This includes the full length unless it is not possible due to the configuration of the system. Also, generally not a good idea to use the rotary whip when there are wires present. This is followed by our HEPA (7) filter, custom commercial, highest suction rating, vacuum system. The best part is our custom design allows us to have the power of a truck mount and still be portable. We also offer services that complement the air duct cleaning like Dryer Vent Cleaning, Air Duct Sealing, and Home Sanitizing and Deodorizing.
Call us today to book your service appointment!
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